Back in January, we talked up Medea Spirit’s new LED bottle design by way of a caption contest. In case you missed it, this vodka bottle comes with instructions: you can program up to six messages of up to 255 characters each that scrolls around bottle, Times Square-style.
This gimmick…um, innovation…has earned the brand big awards — mostly for the design, not necessarily what’s inside (though it’s very good, too). But we can’t tell how well this concept sells. We’ve heard gripes about the price (about $40), but that’s about it.
This is where you come in. If you’ve proposed, apologized, celebrated or otherwise with this nifty gadget as your messenger, go ahead and spill it — in our comments section, that is.
We had the bottles programmed “James and Sarah” at our wedding and everybody loved them. The vodka is amazing, it’s the best vodka I’ve ever tried.
Very cool. The packaging sure does allow you to be creative. The fact that the vodka is good is a double bonus.
Someone brought this to a party and, looking at the gimmicky bottle, I assumed it was going to be pretty bad. Instead, it was excellent. I don’t mean excellent mixed with something, but excellent neat. I highly recommend it.