Here comes Memorial Day, which inevitably includes THAT conversation about when to buy beverages for the picnic or cook-out or post-parade tail-gate party. Friday night rolls around and we can’t remember when the curtain closes on buying beer, wine and liquor. Is it just me, or is it hard to remember?
Every state is different. And I’ve moved three times in five years, so I have something of an excuse for having to look this up so often. If you can relate, you’ll be glad to know that Wikipedia has it all figured out for us: here.
In short, there are just 14 states that have banned Sunday (off premises) sales: Alabama, Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Kansas, Minnesota, Nebraska, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah.
Other factoids: Missouri, Nevada and Louisiana are considered the most “alcohol permissive” states. No happy hours in Massachusetts. Colorado and Oklahoma grocery stores can only sell 3.2% beer.
Seriously, every state has different rules, especially regarding the hours alcohol can be sold. The only constant seems to be the drinking age, which is 21, except in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Happy Memorial Day.