If you like reading about beer as much as drinking it, check out Beer Connoisseur magazine — the richly informative quarterly with the slightly tongue-in-cheek name. Not that beer isn’t going uptown fast, but any magazine with “connoisseur” in its name has got to include snobs in its target market. If you’re one of them, you might cough up $21 a year to read about beer when you’re not drinking it, or simultaneously. We did.


The travel writing is especially interesting, and the layout is refreshing. It seems to have a southern bent to it, likely because its founding sponsor is Abita Brewing Company of Abita Springs, Louisiana.


Thousands of words per issue solely about beer is not a new idea. There’s All About Beer, Beer Advocate, DRAFT, and Beer. Beer Connoisseur is different. Let us know what you think.

