Cocktails that are good for your waistline get all the attention. But what about the mixin’s that make you healthy on the inside? Today, we’ll take a look at how you can make your after-work beverage as health-smart as your morning o.j.


Raw. Blend in the actual fruit (i.e. strawberries, blueberries, kiwi) instead of using fruit-flavored syrups. This reduces the amount of added sugar, adds fiber, and trying to pick those little seeds out of your teeth usually leads to a good flossing, which is, of course, good for your gums.


Bubbles. You’ll see this a lot, particularly if you hang out with the middle aged (read: slowing metabolism) crowd. More and more bar patrons are asking for seltzer instead of tonic to save calories. But the minerals in seltzer water also have reported cardiovascular and digestive benefits, as well as the ability to lower bad cholesterol in the body.


The Lawnmower. Then there’s the alcoholic beverage containing vodka and wheatgrass juice invented by Homer Simpson called the Lawnmower (episode 5F19, “When You Dish Upon a Star”). We have not tried it but suspect it has a disgusting factor of about 17 on a scale of 1 to 10.


Our bodywise tip is to add ice, sip slowly, and use diet gingerale whenever possible. We are also poised and ready to experiment with super greens, like spirulina, at our home bar.


How about you? Does your watering hole stock wheatgrass, or anything else with superhuman properties. Share and tell by leaving us all a comment.

