We’re not the type of people who need a reason to drink. If we’re breathing, that’s reason enough. But for those who need more, here you go:


1.     Atlantis – NASA’s space shuttle, Atlantis, took its final flight into space on Friday. Raise your glass to the entire NASA family for all the efforts over the past 30 years. Sputnik who?


2.     Royalty Stateside – Prince William and Duchess Kate Middleton arrive for a weekend stay in L.A. With a business packed weekend, they’ll need you to be drinking for them.


3.     Casey Anthony – We can’t even believe we’re going to give this the time of day, but at least we know our children will be safe this weekend. Casey Anthony’s release date has been extended.


4.    Derek Jeter –  Whether a Yankee fan or not, Derek Jeter goes into Friday nights game 2 hits away from becoming the 28th player in MLB history to reach the 3,000 hit mark.


5.     Tequila – There’s a new Tequila in town (Tributo Tequila).  Even though you may not be able to get your hands on it this weekend, it condones finishing your existing stash for when you do.