We’re not the type of people who need a reason to drink. If we’re breathing, that’s reason enough. But for those who need more, here you go:
1. Steve Jobs– In the words of the genius himself. “ There is no reason not to follow your heart…Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” Cheers to wise words and a wise man. He will be missed.
2. Columbus Day- In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue … and thank god he did or we wouldn’t be Drinking In America. Enjoy the long weekend folks.
3. Occupy Wall Street- Whether you have a strong opinion on this or not ..it doesn’t really matter. Everyone loves a good protest. We’ll drink to that.
4. NHL- The 2011 season has officially started and we’re ready to see some action.
5. Amanda Knox- All we know is, if we were behind bars for 4 years we’d be pretty thirsty for some booze. Whether you agree with the verdict or not join this jailbird for a drink.