We’re not the type of people who need a reason to drink. If we’re breathing, that’s reason enough. But for those who need more, here you go:
1. Sake Day – This Saturday is International Sake Day. Grab your favorite Japanese spirit, some chopsticks and start bombing.
2. MLB Playoffs – Tonight starts game 1 of the 2011 MLB playoffs. Cheers to your team whether they made it or not… and if they didn’t, we know you’ve been drinking since Wednesday.
3. Great American Beer Festival – Yesterday was the start of the 30th annual GABF in Denver, CO where they’re serving up 2,000 beers from 450 different U.S. breweries. Festivities go through Sunday so we hope you got a ticket and brought your mug.
4. Bank Of America – If you’re the type to start a tab, you might want to avoid using your debit card. Bank Of America is charging $5 a month for debit card use starting next year. We’ll now use cash before buying rounds. You?
5. Drink Beer Day – Wednesday was National Drink Beer Day, which we at DIA promptly celebrated. If you didn’t get the memo were giving you permission to celebrate late, just don’t let it happen again.