sauza sparkling margarita

We wouldn’t call ourselves margarita snobs but we’re definitely picky when it comes to the cocktail. We usually demand fresh ingredients and tend to add a little bit more tequila than the norm. That’s why we typically cringe at the sight of a ready-to-drink marg, but that wasn’t the case with Sauza Sparkling Margarita.


The first sips of the margarita went down smooth; so smooth we were wishing we had a second bottle. The first thing we noticed was how boozy the margarita tasted, which is always a winner for us. Sauza weighs in at 10% ABV, twice the ABV of a beer for about the same size bottle.


The mango peach flavor hit the spot and was a delicious balance of sweet and salty (from the silver tequila). The sparkling effect was subtle and kept the margarita easy drinking. With a little ice, we could knock these back all day.


Needless to say, we would drink Sauza Sparkling Margaritas any day of the week. Though they’re a little pricey – $12.99 per 750 ml bottle and $7.99 per 375 ml bottle – it would be worth it for a beach day beverage. Check out this and the other flavors: Wild Berry and Original (aka Lime).


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