For all of you good Catholics out there, welcome to the beginning of Lent. This is a period of 40 days and nights that begins on Ash Wednesday (today) and lasts until Easter Sunday. Traditionally, people who observe Lent eat sparingly over this time and up their serving of self-denial. All of this is in an effort to practice repentance.
However, as with all things well and good, the meaning of Lent has drifted farther and farther away from the observance itself. Lent has lost most of its potency, thus resulting in people giving up things they love, just because. This includes alcohol. GASP.
Unless it’s a harmful or drastically unhealthy influence in your life, we can’t imagine why on earth anyone would give up booze. It’s delicious. It inspires social activity. And most of all, it’s fun! So, in honor of the misguided giver-uppers, we’ve collected our favorite tweets to narrate the journey of life with no alcohol.
We begin with those who entertained the thought, however briefly.
Actually considered giving up alcohol for lent … Then I came to my senses — marielle (@MarzJackson) February 10, 2016
Some years, giving up alcohol for #Lent is a good idea. 2016 is not looking like one of those years. — John White (@JwhiteRev) February 10, 2016
I tried to give up alcohol for lent last year….. It didn’t go so well. Picking something I can actually accomplish this year lol lol — Sydney (@sydneyschissel) February 10, 2016
I thought about giving up Alcohol for Lent but all that would mean is I’m giving up friendships and happiness for 40 days. — The Infamous Sergio (@NostromoSerg) February 9, 2016
oh god, i have to give something up for lent tomorrow and people are suggesting that i give up wine or alcohol and i’m like BE REALISTIC
— dayanara ramirez (@dayanara_r) February 10, 2016
You’re right guys. Stay strong. Don’t do it. Be more like Lauren here.
I’m not giving up anything for lent, but those of you who are giving up alcohol, sweets, & pizza I’ll leave a collection bin at my door — Lauren Legere (@Llegere5) February 10, 2016
Good looking out Lauren. We don’t like to waste anything.
For Lent, I’m giving up alcohol. And for St. Patrick’s Day, I’m giving up Lent.
— Andrew Marin (@ndrewmarin) February 10, 2016
Andrew, you’re a real inspiration.
I’m giving up chocolate and pop and not working out for lent. I’m not giving up alcohol. Lol Nice try Jesus. Ya can’t fool me. — Angela (@angela_hatcher) February 10, 2016
TFW religion tries the pull a fast one on you.
Giving up alcohol for lent *starts shaking* — ggaarryyyy (@gabeschwaiger) February 9, 2016
Godspeed Gary. Literally.