Did you know that in most places in the U.S., the night before Thanksgiving is the biggest bar night of the year? Seriously, it beats out other holidays like New Years Eve, St. Patrick’s Day and Halloween. It might seem random, but if you think about it, it’s basically an unofficial high school reunion. Most people arrive in their hometowns at least the day before Thanksgiving, which means they want to get out of the house and visit old friends that night. For some people, being in their childhood home with their parents makes them want to drink… heavily.

Thanksgiving Eve is always a little more exciting when you’re in your early-mid 20s because it’s fun to be able to finally go to a bar in your town to hang out. But, we know from experience that people of all ages hit the bars the night before Thanksgiving.

Even if you’re not in the younger age bracket, Thanksgiving Eve is popular for drinking because nobody wants to play host the day before Thanksgiving. You want to do something that requires the least amount of effort and thought, and drinking at your local bar definitely fits the bill. There’s also no better feeling than knowing that you a) don’t have to work in the morning and b) have a giant, miraculous meal to look forward to that will kick any hangover’s butt.

Even if you don’t want to hang out with people from high school, go out anyway. Look your best, take advantage of some awesome drink specials and make fun of people while you sit in the corner with your best friend or significant other.

If you’re REALLY anti-social, you could always just sit at home and drink alone and then look at pictures from the bar when they’re posted on Facebook the next day. Soooo, what we’re basically saying is that you have no excuse not to drink tonight. Period.

Cheers to Thanksgiving Eve.

