We love brands that step outside the box, especially when it comes to our booze. Lately vodka has been getting a little extreme. Here are three vodkas that are pushing the limits.
There is no distillery more unique than S.D. Strong Distilling. Located 65 feet below ground in a cave in Parkville, Missouri, S.D. Strong is the nation’s only cave distillery. Founder Steve Strong designed the distillery in a prohibition style setting and says the, “caves are so bootlegger. I knew our vibe was going to be vintage, and this fit right in.” Talk about a man cave. S.D. Strong Vodka recently hit stores in Missouri at $19.99 a bottle and a whiskey and gin are in the works.
Canadian brand Iceberg Vodka has been in the news lately thanks to their biggest fan, Toronto Mayor Rob Ford, publicly humiliating himself. But there’s more to the vodka than just an embarrassing politician. The process starts with fishing boats making their way through “Iceberg Alley” in Canada. The boats use state of the art machinery to collect huge pieces of icebergs that have broken off naturally after thousands of years. The water from these icebergs is supposed to be the purest on the planet and helps create great tasting vodka. We’re all about going the extra mile for great tasting cocktails so we give a tip of the cap to Iceberg Vodka.
Sitting on the edge of the artic circle, Reyka Vodka, is the only distillery in Iceland and unlike any other vodka in the world. Not only is Reyka created on the edge of the planet, it’s distilled using one of Iceland’s natural recourses: lava rocks. Yes, fiery burning molten lava rocks. Using the natural holes in lava rocks to filter the vodka makes Reyka is some of the purest, cleanest vodka around. Pick up your own bottle for $25.99 a bottle.
Forgot those vodka made in regular old distilleries. Get a little extreme with your next purchase and go for a vodka that’s a little extreme.