LowAlcoholCocktailsWe like to lighten everything up when the spring and summer months arrive. As much as it pains us, we say goodbye to our martinis and Negronis and opt for something with a lighter body and fruitier essence. This year, it looks like we’ll be seeing seriously low alcohol content, with some bars even boosting their virgin cocktail menus.

It’s only natural for us to turn to something lighter during the warm weather season. It’s hot out, all you want is something refreshing and if you’re like us, you take advantage of the term “day drink.” Bartenders across the country are already starting to transition their cocktail menus to suit our needs by replacing high ABV spirits with ingredients like wine, brandy, vermouth and various liqueurs. These replacements create cocktails that are easier to drink, have a lighter flavor and are all around refreshing. We suggest something like the delicious Sunset in Seville cocktail from Starbelly in San Francisco.

Other bartenders are nixing the booze completely and creating delicious fruity concoctions to put on their virgin drinks menu. Mixing ingredients like house juices, syrups, bitters and fresh fruit, the taste almost makes you forget there’s no alcohol in your cup. Almost.

Do you typically transition your cocktail options come spring and summer? How low  (alcohol) are you willing to go when it comes to cocktails?
