We get by with a little help from our friends…and our smart phones. Do you ever feel like there is such a large variety of wine to choose from and so little time to keep track of the ones you really enjoy? Fortunately, like a good friend, technology has your back. The app Delectable, available for iphone and android, recently updated it’s platform and pledges to help you drink more memorable wine.

By simply snapping a picture of the wine label you are enjoying at the moment, the app will work to bring up more information about what type of grape you are drinking, give you expert recommendations, and even offer up a delivery service. Delectable is proud to announce the capabilities of it’s most recent update, which works even harder to educate you on the wine you prefer. The “Taste Insights” tab works to analyze wines you have “shazamed” to organize a top list of wine you enjoy and help you to make even smarter selections in the future! Another addition to the app includes the “Top Style” tab, which enables you to create a history of top wines, favorite regions, and personal drinking notes, all used to help you discover new wines you may like even more!

Cheers to Delectable for truly striving to educate its users and enhance the experience of sipping vino. With a little help from this app, you’ll be labeled the designated wine connoisseur among your friends and family in no time.
