The founders of Dogfish Head Craft Brewery, Victory Brewing Co. and Stone Brewing Co. are re-brewing Dogfish Head/Victory/Stone Saison Du BUFF, a limited edition collaborative offering.
First released by Sam Calagione (Dogfish Head), Bill Covaleski (Victory) and Greg Koch (Stone) in 2010, Saison Du BUFF was created “to protest the flavorless, mass-produced, fizzy yellow lagers that dominated the marketplace,” says Koch. (BUFF stands for “Brewers United for Freedom of Flavor.”)
This year, each of the three breweries has recreated its own version of the 7.7%-abv Saison Du BUFF recipe, which features culinary influences like parsley, sage, rosemary and thyme.
Saison Du BUFF will be available in limited quantities on draft and in 12-ounce bottles in 18 states throughout the U.S.