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Have you ever cracked open a cold one and been reminded of the smell of a different kind of bud? There’s a perfectly good reason for that. The cannabis plant and flower are in the same horticultural family as the hop flower, which means the smell very similar. Oskar Blues took advantage of this similarity in their new year-round brew, Pinner. At 4.9 percent ABV, this dry-hopped IPA is a session beer. If you’re not up on your cannabis lingo, a pinner is a small, thin joint that is low on marijuana content. The connection is intentional—a low alcohol beer named after a joint low on pot—and to make sure youre in on the joke, the text above the logo asks: “Can I be blunt?”

Following on the heels of another Oskar Blues favorite, G’Knight, the marijuana smell is intentional. Dale Katechis, who founded Oskar Blues Brewery in 1997, said the aroma should be apparent as soon as you take a whiff and that beers with the more citrusy aromas have resonated with drinkers. With Pinner, Katechis wanted to make an IPA with a lot of aroma and flavor but with a lower alcohol content so you can enjoy more than one—taking the time to appreciate the brew. It’s a great alternative to heavier bodied craft beers that are higher on malt, sugar, and therefore alcohol. If you live in Colorado and North Carolina where Oskar Blues has breweries, you can pick up Pinner now. The rest of the 41 states that carry Oskar Blues brews will have to wait until March 1st to get their hands on it.
