
January. Bleak, cold, thankless January.


While we wind down from the hype and merriment of the holiday season, it’s important not to lose the pep in our steps. Depending on where you call home, these next few months can be some of the longest, most humdrum months there are. We’ll try to keep it interesting so that, even though it may be glacial outside, you can stay warm on the inside.

However, not to immediately contradict ourselves, today we bring you some frozen, yet delicious, boozy treats. Slurp down a few of these and you’ll be sure to warm up.

Frozen ‘Mosas

Acquire popsicle molds. Mix together 2 oz. of champagne and 8 oz. of orange juice, and use the mixture to fill each mold 1/3 of the way full. Let the mixtures almost freeze, before placing a popsicle stick in each mold, and filling the final 2/3 with a mixture of orange juice and cut up strawberries. Finish freezing them (overnight), and enjoy.