An “opportunity” came across the wire here at DIA and we can’t help but share — and even encourage. It’s a Thursday night co-ed burlesque workshop that includes a performance, bourbon/mint julep/manhattans, and instruction from the pros. The place is 918 F Street in Washington DC.

First thing you need to know: this class is sold out.

Next thing you need to know: there are others just like it in cities around the country.

Before you sign up, try your hand at a stage name — all the burlesque performers have one. There’s Fonda Lingue, Bombshell Betty, Vivienne Vavoom, and, of course, the Sin Sisters.

For the shy at heart, this is either very good therapy or your worst nightmare. If you’re an adventure seeker, this might be knock a line item off your bucket list.

You could call it exercise, but that’s like saying you’re pouring a scotch because you’re thirsty.

As the ad says, “Loosen up your inhibitions, your clothes, and your girls’-night-out routine.” And it you’re bold enough to report back afterwards to DIA, don’t let us hold you back.

