For the highly anticipated Jersey Shore Season 2 premiere, I’ll be drinking Ron Ron Juice. Not going to lie, I’m pretty excited for both the premiere and the juice.

I’ve had a lot of adult juice in my day. As both a host and a guest, I’m all for it. It’s easy, delicious (most of the time) and well it gets you to a feel good level rather quickly. Thankfully, I’ve graduated from the bathtub filled juice and now enjoy it in a container, sometimes even a nice punch bowl. Regardless of how it’s served, a juice offering is sure to be a crowd pleaser.

A couple years ago I served my party guests, what I decided to call, Man Juice. Big hit. Huge hit. As shown in the picture, people couldn’t wait for a cup. They just dove right in, sipping straight from the ladle. During its creation, excitement levels rapidly rose and as a result more ingredients were added. I often agree with “less is more” but on this day, more silenced less, and Man Juice became a mixture of anything the beverage industry had to offer. Sometimes this methodology backfires, but luckily in this case it didn’t. Because of my approach, I can’t share the exact recipe with you today but I can share what I think to be key ingredients when creating juice:

  • Wine. Yes you already have vodka and maybe some rum but you need to throw wine into the mix. Don’t be shy. Wine cocktails are cool these days. Just think of this as a really big wine cocktail.
  • Fresh fruit.
  • Gummy bears. Surprise! Fruit is not the only solid in the cup.
  • Bubbles. Sure, seltzer or sprite works but if you’re feeling festive, pop champagne.

Whether you’re 23, still enjoying the juice recipes from college or 53, having moved on to more refined punch, I’d love to hear your Adult Juice recipe. Or seeing as I didn’t even supply you with my recipe, key ingredients will do.
