Every now and then, a combination of two great things occues, and you wonder, “Why didn’t I think of this sooner??”. Well, we’re about to reveal one of those combos. It joins one of the most classic cocktails known to man with the vice of any 10 year-old in a 7/11. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the Gin and Tonic Slush Puppie.
It’s pretty straight forward, and thanks to the brits over at Proper Tasty, we have the recipe for you.
Gin And Tonic Slush Puppy.
Here’s what you need:
Tonic Water
Lime Cordial (lime juice for Americans)
1) Mix one part gin with three parts tonic water in a shallow tin. Do not add more gin, as it will not freeze otherwise!
2) Freeze for two hours until solid. Leave for longer if needed.
3) Transfer ice mixture to a cup.
4) Mix a small amount of gin and lime cordial in a separate glass, and add to the ice to give a green colour and limey flavour.
5) Enjoy while it’s frozen!
Check out the video for a demo! And a bonus: ice cream and strawberries! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯