It’s only appropriate that on the eve of Cinco de Mayo, we’re drinking tequila. Tequila is one of those spirits that has to be done right or you’ll wake up the next morning feeling like you were hit with the bottle. We’re professionals so we always go for the quality stuff and our latest tasting, Casa Noble Reposado, was no exception.
The second we opened the bottle of the dark Casa Noble tequila, we knew we were in for a ride. The booze hit you the instant you took a whiff, as it does with most tequilas. We didn’t have any limes handy but you better bet we had shot glasses at the ready.
A few of the brave DIAers shot the aged tequila directly while some of us sipped it on ice. The initial burn was harsh; we won’t lie. It could be that we prefer blanco tequila, but the flavor behind this reposado wasn’t as delicious as we wanted it to be. Don’t get us wrong, the quality is there but it was lacking in flavor and making up for it with a strong boozy taste. That didn’t stop us from taking more shots though.
In our opinion, Casa Noble Reposado would be much better suited for a delicious margarita. Pick yourself up a bottle right in time to celebrate tomorrow. The price is steep ($50) but could be worth it if you’re looking to make cocktails for a bunch of people.
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