When vodka is dedicated to celebrating the “epic moments” in life, we’ve got to try it. We received three bottle of the appropriately named EPIC Vodka to taste: Classic, Peach and Strawberry Kiwi. Here’s what we thought:
EPIC Classic: For a straight vodka, there wasn’t anything special about the Classic. It had the typical burn going down with subtle sweetness that makes it tolerable. For the price ($12.99) this would make a good base for any vodka cocktail you’re mixing.
EPIC Peach: Remember Peach Rings, the gummy candy we overdosed on when we were younger? EPIC Peach is those delicious rings in vodka form. The peachyness hits you on the first sip and masks the vodka burn. All the DIAers agreed it would make a great sweet cocktail with a little seltzer.
EPIC Strawberry Kiwi: This one didn’t wow us quite as much as Peach. It smelled like strawberry bubblegum and the taste wasn’t much better. Forced fake flavor and super sweetness made this rough going down and our least favorite. Skip it.
The Peach was the winner of this round. We’ll be adding it to vodka cocktails this summer, and may even try shooting it, chilled. But if you’re not a lover of sweet flavors (we don’t blame you), the Classic is an affordable substitute for your base vodka. We’ll pass on the Strawberry Kiwi.