For students and professionals, finding a place to get work done on the go can be a pain. Most of us opt for the closest coffee shop where we (painfully) squeeze into an undersized table and bump elbows with our latte-drinking neighbors. Before you know it an hour has gone by and the only thing you’ve accomplished is a splitting headache from the buzz of the espresso machines.
Leave it to the productive citizens of NYC to start a new trend of setting up shop at local bars. In the afternoons, bars offer a laid back atmosphere, extra space, and the ability to escape that guy from the coffee shop who won’t stop talking about the novel he’s writing. And bars are capitalizing on this movement by opening earlier and offering drink specials and free Wi-Fi for their laptop bearing guests. It’s a win, win.
We love this trend. Naturally, we do our best thinking after we’ve had a drink so this solves all of our creative problems with a beer or cocktail. Not to mention the convenience of being able to seamlessly transition into happy hour after finishing the workday. Next time you’re looking for a place to be productive, forget the coffee shop and hit your local bar.