Normally, you’d find nothing but boozy posts on this here blog, but today we’re putting down our glasses for a good cause.
We all know Haiti is in bad shape, there’s no need to paint a picture. If you’ve considered helping out, I’d like to recommend giving to an organization called Partners in Health.
Partners in Health is the real deal. They’ve been working to improve the conditions in Haiti long before this disaster (building a hospital there in 1985) and will tirelessly continue long after Haiti fails to make headlines here in the U.S.
Children’s Hospital Boston is spearheading a fundraising effort for Partners in Health. They are raising money, they are sending staff, they are the people helping to turn this situation around. Sending funds to them is like fast-tracking your money to the disaster site.
So next time you’re out, instead of buying a round for your free-loader friend, buy a round for Haiti. You’ll feel better and your chump friends can float themselves.
Please also consider forwarding this to anyone else who might be interested in helping.
Many thanks,