We’ve all been there- you walk into the liquor store, greet the clerk that you now know by name, gaze longingly at the nicest, most elegant bottles of Grey Goose and Belvedere overhead, only to leave with the cheapest plastic jug of
gasoline vodka you can find. Sure it’s nice on your waller, but is that bottle of Dubra really worth the unavoidable dry-heaving and burning sensation in your stomach?
If only there was a better way…
Now there is. With this simple hack, you can turn even the worst quality vodka into a top-shelf spirit that goes down easy. All you need is a bottle of your favorite cheap vodka and a Brita filter. Simply filter your vodka at least four times, and you’ll be left with a smoother, easier to drink product.
All vodkas are filtered to some degree during distillation, with higher quality products being filtered more to create a smoother and easier drinking experience. But with this simple trick, you can transform the crappiest vodka to top shelf quality. And no worries for you flavored-vodka drinkers, it works for that too. No need to thank us. Enjoy!