We have a bit of exciting news for those of you who consider the cookie monster to be your spirit animal. A local brewery and trendy bakery out on the West coast has teamed up to dream up a craft beer cookie. The Cravory, a bakery based in Point Loma, San Diego, has put quite the twist on this sweet treat, and Ballat Point’s Dorado Double IPA plays a big part in the recipe.
In addition to the beer, orange zest and caramel bits are also folded into the cookie dough before they hit the oven. We aren’t surprised to hear that these cookies have a little bit of a bite to them, with the hoppy notes from the IPA making their presence known. The Cravory describes the tasty little morsels as having “just the right amount of beer and citrus to make you pucker.”
Each month The Cravory puts forth six “special” flavors, and these unique treats have earned the bakery a cult following of cookie connoisseurs. The IPA cookie is considered to be one of the bakery’s six specials for the month of June, featured especially for Father’s Day. So whether you’re looking for a special treat to bring to your Old Man this week or are just a lover of all things craft beer, we recommend trying to get your hands on these cookies before the special is over and replacing that glass of milk with a ice-cold brew!