Do you ever find yourself getting bored with your go-to booze? When you’ve grown tired of that mundane drink order, we’ll be here to walk you through what’s new and noteworthy this week:
Purity Vodka
For the fifth consecutive year, Purity Vodka rises to the tope of the potato pile to claim the highest glory in the land: that of Grand Vodka Master. At the 2015 Grand Spirits Masters Competition, a panel of spirit experts and trade journalists blindly tasted hundreds of spirits before bestowing honors on a select few. Purity vodka is based in Sweden, where it is distilled 34 times before being bottled and shipped globally. Interested? It’ll cost you around $40 for a 750 ml bottle. Worth it? You tell us.
Anchor Brewing and Anchor Distilling Company
For the third year running, the dynamic duo from San Fransisco is serving up liquid Christmas spirit. And it goes by just that name: Christmas Spirit. Anchor Distilling Company and Anchor brewing are a match made in heaven when the holidays role around. That magic happens when they distill year-old Anchor Brewing Christmas Ale and create a white spirit perfect for holiday cocktails and punches. The ale’s rich and dark-spices flavor adds just the right about of festivity to any drink–give it a whirl!
High West Distillery
Yippee Ki-Yay is the newest whiskey from High West, a Utah based Distillery and Saloon located at 7000 feet in the Rocky Mountains. The story goes that one day, just for fun, the distillers tried aging their Double Rye Whiskey in oak barrels that had previously been used to age two different kinds of wine. Want to see the process in person? Head out to their distillery , popularly known as the only ski-in distillery and gastro-saloon in the world.
Marie Brizard Wine & Spirits
The spirits group has recently come out with an interesting new spirit, and it goes by the name of Shotka.” What makes it so interesting?” you ask? Well, it happens to be Cannabis flavored. It’s combined with completely legal cannabis flavoring, about which we haven’t decided how we feel. However, the bottles offer an enticing message, “No reason to play quiet, not anymore, go with a bang. Taste the wild!”. Are you daring enough to give this booze a try?
Breckenridge Brewery
Adele isn’t the only one celebrating their 25th birthday. So is Colorado-based Breckenridge Brewery. After doubling in size this past year, the brewery wanted to keep the party going, and so they came out with “Twenty Five,” celebrating their 25 years of existence. The beer is a Vanilla Porter that rests for ten weeks in rum barrels with 1/4 pound of Mexican vanilla beans. It’s full of flavor, coming in at 9.8% ABV.