We’re not the type of people who need a reason to drink. If we’re breathing that’s reason enough. But for those of you who need more, here you go:
- First Day of Fall: This Sunday marks the beginning of the autumn season. Grab a hard cider or an apple cocktail to celebrate.
- Emmys: Will Breaking Bad finally win the top spot? Make a cocktail and find out Sunday night.
- iPhone Mania: One guy in NYC waited in line for 15 days just to get the new iPhone. We would need a whole lot of beer to do that.
- MLB: The post season spots are being decided this weekend. Cheer on your team with a six-pack of your favorite beer.
- NASA: If you just can’t get out of bed in the morning, NASA is willing to pay you thousands of dollars to stay there. Can we do it with a drink in hand?