We’re not the type of people who need a reason to drink. If we’re breathing that’s reason enough. But for those who need more, here you go:
1. Interstellar: The much-anticipated film is in theaters this weekend because we still haven’t gotten sick of Matthew McConaughey. Go ahead and see what all the fuss is about. We’ll just be here drinking a six pack and watering our love fern.
2. #AlexFromTarget: A high school kid with a part time job became famous this week thanks to the horrifying power of teen girl fandom. If we knew it was that easy we would have started wearing red polos and khakis years ago.
3. Taylor Swift: Her new album is sitting comfortably at #1, but you won’t hear it on Spotify. She removed all of her music from the streaming service in a controversial decision. Now she’s the reason for the teardrops on our guitar.
4. Lebron: The prodigal son is having a tough time making magic happen in Cleveland and people are not happy. But at least the Browns are doing pretty good, right?
5. Echo: Amazon is releasing a new in-home personal assistant smart device that is kind of freaking us out. It’s cool in the sense that we are one step closer to a real-life Smart House, but it’s scary because we all know how that movie ends.