We’re not the type of people who need a reason to drink. If we’re breathing that’s reason enough. But for those who need more, here you go:
- iOS iMessage features: We can finally sleep at night. Gone are the nights up thinking about how gifs didn’t come easy, our online significant other might never know our handwriting, and the stress about the size of those damn emojis. A small flame just didn’t get the point across, you know?!
- PUMPKIN EVERYTHING: Phew, we made it. Finally back to the time of year where the only answer to anything is “Pumpkin.” Can I get you anything to drink? “Pumpkin.” How much did those new Nikes cost? “Pumpkin.”
- Brangelina: Get the tissues out. What went wrong here? Is moving on from this even possible? Answer #1: We’re not sure, but it is definitely reason enough to drink tonight. Answer #2: Keep reading.
- Jennifer Aniston: Answer #2: It’s possible. This is a double fisting scenario… one glass to mourn Brangelina, one to celebrate Jen Aniston. Let’s all join together now with Jen to say, “told ya so!”
- Stranger Things: If you haven’t watched it yet you should immediately put down what you are doing. At the Emmy Awards on Sunday the kids from Stranger Things performed Uptown Funk and there is something quite entertaining about it. Not in a normal way. More like ‘seeing your professor in public’ type of way. Regardless, could be a semi-confusing but mildly funny pregame song?
Let the antics begin.